Emergency No.011 4225 5225
  • General Considerations
    09 May 2016
    bowel1Losing bowel control with bowel accidents is probably the most embarrassing and frustrating experience that you have faced, as a result of your SCI. Proper bowel management is the answer to your problem. A bowel training program that aims at est ...
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    By isic
  • Would the type of food I eat affect my bowels?
    09 May 2016
    Yes. Food and proper fluid intake play a vital role in establishing a good routine. Stool consistency is directly related to food eaten. It determines the success or failure of your program. It is also important to have a right diet to avoid obesity. A person who is overweight may put excessive pressure on a small area of the body, causing a pressure sore and in addition their is the difficulty of ...
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    By isic
  • What kind of food should I eat?
    09 May 2016
    • Eat a great variety of food
    • Eat more fibre rich foods
    • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
    • Cut down on fat and sugar, especially if you are overweight
    A daily diet should include servings of:

    Non vegetarian

    Meat, fish, chicken, egg


    paneer, lentils, dal, soy ...
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    By isic
  • How can l increase my fibre intake?
    09 May 2016
    Fibre is found in cereals, fruits and vegetables but not in meat and animal products like milk. Your fibre intake will increase by taking:
    • Breakfast cereals: Porridge (Daliya), sprouted black gram or pulses, corn flakes
    • Wholemeal flour and brown rice: It is recommended not to sieve the flour before making chapatti, purl etc. Brown rice can be used in pl ...
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    By isic
  • Is there anything I should avoid?
    09 May 2016
    Try avoiding:
    • Excess of spices.
    • Cold carbonated beverages and alcohol
    • Gas forming foods such as onions, Arbi etc.
    • Too much fat and sugar
    • Excessive amount of oils and Ghee
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    By isic
  • Establishing a Bowel Programme
    09 May 2016
    A bowel program will work better If you:
    • Do the program everyday and at the same hour
    • Do it even if you have had an accidental bowel movement shortly before or 11 yin; have diarrhea
    • Try the bowel movement at the same time of the day that you had bowel movements before your injury. But chose a time for your bowel routine that is convenient and ...
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    By isic
  • Types Of Bowel
    09 May 2016
    The program that you should follow will depend on your level of injury that in turn will determine whether your bowel is 'AUTOMATIC' or 'FLACCID / LIMP


    If your level of injury is above L1, you will have an Automatic Bowel
    • In this case the sphincter in the anus stays shut until there is stimulation m the bowel to make it open s ...
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    By isic
  • Program for an Automatic Bowel
    09 May 2016
    • Start with a suppository
    • Insert the prescribed suppository at your scheduled time.
    • If a suppository works quickly for you insert it while sitting on a toilet or commode when this is possible. If it takes over 15 minutes insert it while lying on your left side

    Steps for inserting a Suppository

    • With the gloved finger lubricated with ...
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    By isic
  • Steps for digital stimulation
    09 May 2016
    • Gently insert a gloved lubricated forefinger beyond the anal sphincter and gently move it in stimulating circular motion several times. If still unsuccessful end the bowel routine for the day.
    • Repeat the same routine on the third day. If still unsuccessful: (a) with gloved lubricated forefinger gently remove pieces of stool (b) resort to an enema as prescribed by your docto ...
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    By isic
  • Program for a limp/flaccid bowel
    09 May 2016
    In such cases your bowel will not push the stool and the stool will have to be taken out with a finger at least once a day to begin with. If possible do it sitting on your toilet seat if not on your left side. With a gloved and lubricated finger remove as much stool as you can. Since this type of bowel tends to be incontinent i.e. it leaks, eat food that makes the stool firm. ...
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    By isic

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