Emergency No.011 4225 5225
  • Introduction
    09 May 2016
    ISIC Corporate / TPA help desk is manned by hospital itself, open on all working days & holidays. The Insurance / TPA help desk staff entertains only insured & policyholders having medical insurance from empanelled TPA / Insurance Co. & different corporates to help them avail cashless approval & Credit letters from TPA / Corporates. ...
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    By isic
  • Do Health Insurance Policies mean cashless hospitalization facility ?
    09 May 2016
    Today, most health Insurance policies do offer cashless hospitalization facility and route your policy through a Third Party Administrator (TPA). However you should be familiar with the terms Network Hospital and Non-network Hospital. Network hospital are those hospitals that your TPA has an agreement with, if you get admitted to a Network hospital you will be eligible for cashless hospitalization ...
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    By isic
  • Does cashless hospitalization mean getting treatment free of cost ?
    09 May 2016
    No, cashless hospitalization does not means the free of cost treatment. The assigned TPA will mediate between the hospital and the insurance company and settle the bills on behalf of the of the insured customer. The hospital is only a facilitator and has no authority to approve or disapprove any request for cashless hospitalization. Certain protocols lay down by the Insurance Regulatory and Develo ...
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    By isic
  • What procedures should I follow to avail the facility of cashless hospitalization at ISIC?
    09 May 2016
    Hospitalization occur under two conditions: Planned & Emergency.

    Planned Hospitalization:

    If doctor advised you on the probable date of hospitalization in such case, you must have applied for an approval of the estimated hospital expenses directly with your TPA at least 4-5 days prior to the date of hospitalization

    Emergency Hospitalization:

    For cashless ...
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    By isic
  • What will I do if the actual medical expenses overshoot the pre-approved amount?
    09 May 2016
    In case hospitalization expenses exceed the pre-approved amount; you can approach the Corporate / TPA Help Desk to apply for an enhancement of the pre-approved amount. In case you have not exhausted your medical insurance limit, it is most likely that your TPA will approve the application for the enhancement either for the requested enhanced amount or up to your insured limit after deducting the v ...
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    By isic
  • Does cashless hospitalization cover all medical expenses?
    09 May 2016
    For complete details on the medical expenses which are covered & not covered, you need to go through your health insurance policy. However, in general, the expenses listed below are not reimbursable under cashless hospitalization like:
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    By isic
  • Under what conditions request for cashless hospitalization is denied from TPA or diseases not covered?
    09 May 2016
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    By isic
  • DO’s & DON’Ts while availing cashless approval from TPA
    09 May 2016


    • Obtain Pre-Authorization request form from TPA help desk at least 4-5 days prior to planned hospitalization.
    • Inquire the status about the approval from Insurance help desk in the next 24 hrs.
    • Bring all relevant past treatment records while coming to Insurance help desk to seek cashless benefit from TPA.
    • Bring your TPA ID Card, previous y ...
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    By isic

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