Emergency No.011 4225 5225
  • Introduction
    09 May 2016
    A proper wheelchair is very important, as it will help you to do all the activities you decide to do. It needs to fit your body, your abilities and your lifestyle Once you have procured the right wheelchair, keeping it well maintained is equally important ...
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    By isic
  • What types of disabilities are served?
    09 May 2016
    A broad category as following:
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Cerebral palsy
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Muscular dystrophy
    • Brain injuries
    • Stroke
    • Autism
    • Developmental delays
    • Macular degeneration
    • Amputation
    • Elderly persons
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    By isic
  • What are the different kinds of wheelchairs available?
    09 May 2016
    The different kinds of wheelchairs available are:

    Manual Wheelchair

    Large rear wheel / small front caster. Propulsion by concentric hand-rims attached to rear wheels Good upper body strength is a must. These chairs may or may not be folding. May be attendant or self propelled

    Powered Wheelchair

    For patients with inadequate muscle function, or those with insufficient pulmon ...
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    By isic
  • How do I decide which is the right wheelchair for me?
    09 May 2016
    Before deciding the wheelchair you plan to purchase you need to know your energy level and abilities based on your level of your injury and the level of your independence, daily activities you can do for yourself. Other points to consider are:
    • whether the wheelchair is for indoor/ outdoor use or both?
    • Your ability to transfer and the amount of assistance required for getting ...
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    By isic
  • What additional features will make the wheelchair more comfortable
    09 May 2016
    If you are either a paraplegic or a tetraplegic your wheelchair should be:
    • Folding With detachable armrests
    • Swinging and/or detachable footrests
    • Good braking system
    Other features you can consider having are:
    • Detachable rear wheels
    • Desk type arm rest
    Be sure of the color of the wheelchair you want. A heavy wheelchai ...
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    By isic
  • How to know a good wheelchair from others?
    09 May 2016
    • If you can propel it without undue exertion.
    • Are efficient.
    • If the footrests and armrests can be easily detached, stored and replaced
    • Easy maneuverability at home/work environment.
    • If you can transfer yourself (independently/ with assistance) in and out of the chair safely.
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    By isic
  • What is the importance of a folding wheelchair?
    09 May 2016
    A folding wheelchair will give you greater maneuverability to travel. This option will give you a lot of freedom and confidence to do more. ...
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    By isic
  • Give me tips on wheelchair maintenance
    09 May 2016
    It is important to keep your wheelchair in the best condition so as to avoid an accident or inconvenience at the wrong time. Oiling is important for easy maneuvering. Folding and detachable parts if not oiled can give a problem when you are all dressed to go out. Try and stick to a fortnightly oiling schedule. A detailed maintenance chart is given below.
    • Wheelchair Part :
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      By isic
    • Where can I get the oiling and other maintenance done?
      09 May 2016
      Minor maintenance jobs like oiling, and tightening of different parts can be done by someone in your family or friend. Otherwise you can make use of a local cycle repair person. This person would have to be guided the first few times. He will also be able to take care of replacing the ball bearing. For any replacement like the castors, wheelchair seat and back, tyres, you will have to get in touch ...
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      By isic
    • Is it true that Assistive technology will always be an expensive product? Will it suit my budget?
      09 May 2016
      No ! Primary goals of AT is enhancement of capabilities and removal of barriers to performance. The least complex intervention should be considered first. For example, a person having difficulty in feeding, brushing or writing, a low-tech universal cuff could be adapted according to the user’s need. A head pointer or mouth stick is other low-tech device to negotiate computer-aid ...
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      By isic