Emergency No.011 4225 5225


Sprawled over 15 acres of land with a covered building area of 20,000 square meters, Indian Spinal Injuries Centre provides a total barrier free environment for world class medical management, comprehensive rehabilitation, research and training in the field of spinal cord injuries. The hospital has 200 beds, state of the art Critical Care Units, six operation theatres backed by latest diagnostic and treatment facilities, 24 hour ambulance, 12 hours pharmacy and emergency facilities.

Indian Spinal Injuries Centre is proud to have a highly qualified and experienced medical and support staff to provide you with excellent medical care with compassion.

“Spinal Injury Management is the most complex, because it requires a multi disciplinary team. Nothing, we ever do is enough. Until, we have revived hope and joy in the heart of every patient, we have not completed our jobs. It is not sufficient to perform a successful surgery or provide an effective prosthetic. We must transform the lives of the families who come to us. Healing the spirit is as important as healing the body. We truly believe that inner peace and joy are the best healers.”– ISIC Team

Free Treatment at ISIC ( आईएसआईसी में मुफ्त इलाज )

Daily Free Bed Occupancy Status ( दैनिक मुफ्त बिस्तर अधिभोग की स्थिति ) for January 21, 2025

Total Number of free beds Total Number of occupied free beds Total Number of free beds vacant
In critical care with/ without ventilator In non-critical care COVID-19 In critical care with/ without ventilator In non-critical care COVID-19 In critical care with / without ventilator In non-critical care COVID-19
03 13 04 01  14 00 02 03 00
  • Ms. Manisha Paul, Nodal Officer, Indian Spinal Injuries Centre. Phone No. 9013573482 / 011-42255248 Email – nodalofficer@isiconline.org
  • Obligation of the hospital to provide 10% IPD and 25% OPD free of cost to EWS patients.

List of members of the Monitoring Committee with Address and telephone numbers

Name Designation Contact Number
Dr. Subodh Kumar Sharma (Director-Health Services) Chairman 011-22307133
Dr. R. N. Dass (Medical Supdt-Nursing Homes) Member 011-22307133
Sh. Ashok Agarwal (Social Jurist) Member 9811101923
Medical Director or his Representative of St. Stephen’s Hospital, Delhi Member 011-23966021
Medical Director/Medical Superintendent ISIC Member 011-42255242

Patients treated under The Scheme for Assistance by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India (सामाजिक न्याय और रोज़गार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार की सहायता द्वारा इलाज किये गए मरीजों की सूची)

Bio Medical Waste Record at ISIC (जैव चिकित्सीय अभिलेख)

1. Availability of medical facilities

Spine disorders & surgery Orthopedics Cardiology
Psychiatric(OPD) Dermatology & Venereology(OPD) Emergency
ENT(OPD) Gastroenterology(OPD) General Surgery
Psychology(OPD) Gynecology (OPD) Internal Medicines
Rheumatology Neurology Neurosurgery
Nephrology Dialysis (only) Ophthalmology(OPD) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Respiratory Medicines Rehabilitation Radiology & Imaging Services

2. Availability of beds ( General & EWS)

General- 180                       EWS- 20

3. Help line No. :        011-42255225

4. Name and Contact No. of Nodal Officer of concerned Hospital for providing medical treatment of EWS patients.

Ms. Manisha Paul, 9013573482

5. Name and Contact No. of Liaison Officer of DGHS, if any

Ms Anshu Arora, 9810311751

Notice board

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